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EXCLUSIV! Interviu cu Brandon Bays, autoarea cartii "The Journey", la Look Monden!
Brandon Bays - 'The Journey For Children' - Interview by Renate McNay
Brandon Bays TV - Meet People Who Have Healed from Cancer
The Journey - Brandon Bays Q&A with Lynne McTaggart
Brandon Bays TV - Brandon Facilitates a Full Emotional Journey Process - Preview
Exclusive Process Work with Brandon Bays - Clear Out the Legacy of Pain
Brandon Bays TV - Clearing the Old Consciousness and Entering the New Era
1st WorldParliamentOnSpirituality - Brandon Bays
The Real Causes of Our Deepest Issues
How to Deal with Hopelessness?
Brandon Bays introducing "The Journey" in Israel
Brandon Bays TV - Change Your Relationships, Change Your Life - Preview